Wednesday 3 August 2011

Lemon meringue cupcakes

A friend turned 25 yesterday so I baked some cupcakes for her :-) She was actually one of the drivers of me starting this blog, so it only seems fitting that I should blog about her birthday cupcakes!

I wanted to make something special and try a new technique. I started out by making a plain vanilla cupcake. Once cool, I piped in limoncello lemon curd (you can find the recipe here). I did this by putting a small, fine tip on my piping bag. I made a small hole in the top of the cupcake with a wooden skewer and then jammed the end of the tip in (there is no prettier way to describe it). You could feel the cupcake filling up with the curd, it was a cool feeling!

I let these settle while I made a meringue topping. I put three egg whites (I should have added to my freezer post yesterday that egg yolks freeze beautifully too - pull them out for a quick custard), about a cup of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar and about 125ml of water into a bowl over simmering water. Beat this until it's thick and glossy and then pipe onto your cupcakes!

According to feedback, the cupcakes were yummy! Piping in the filling worked really well, and you got a nice limoncello surprise when you bit into the cupcake. Yum!

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